
Panliberalism is a social movement

Panliberalism is an incipient social movement being formulated by a small group of collaborators who seek to influence public political discourses across the globe. The panliberal creed is expressed in the brief “anthem” found on this site. This creed, however, requires elaboration and clarification if it is to be brought into meaningful contact with the very different political situations of different people, places, and times. Thus, we call for new collaborators to develop panliberalism and its application across the globe.

Who we are

Supporters of panliberalism include Roger Koppl, Giandomenica Becchio, Vernon Smith, Deirdre McCloskey, Mikayla Novak and Otto Lehto.

Panliberalism was born on a shuttle bus on October 30th 2022. Roger Koppl and Giandomenica Becchio shared a ride to the airport after attending an academic workshop. Roger commented on the need for a word to describe the political philosophy of an open society that embraced and affirmed the equal dignity of all persons including the marginalized, vilified, downtrodden, and excluded. Giandomenica proposed the word “panliberalism,” and a movement was born. Roger composed the short manifesto found on this website and updated it in response to comments from Giandomenica, Vernon Smith, and others.